Must have exactly one effect (typed nominal) and <30 vars Canonical Centroid Plot Canonical1 Canonical2 CentroidVal Eigvec Canonical Corr EigenValue Click and Edit values above to form M Matrix. Click and Edit first column to change scores Delete Last Column Ortho Response Specification Type: Label: To Construct the M combination across responses, Univariate Tests Also Value Approx. F Exact F Univar H-F Epsilon= Univar G-G Epsilon= Univar unadj Epsilon= F Test Univar H-F Epsilon= Univar G-G Epsilon= Univar unadj Epsilon= Roy's Max Root Hotelling-Lawley Pillai's Trace Wilks' Lambda Whole Model Sphericity Test Prob >Chisq DF Chi-Square Mauchly Criterion M-transformed Parameter Estimates M M Matrix Whole Model H E Overall E&H Matrices P.Corr P.Cov Partial Correlation MANOVA